Increase your home’s efficiency and save on heating bills with a free insulation scheme. Save your money and heating your home without worrying about the bills.


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Free Insulation Grants

Keeping your home warm and cozy during the chilly British winters is essential, but soaring energy bills can turn that dream into a financial nightmare. 

Fortunately, the United Kingdom has stepped in with a helpful initiative: the Free Insulation Scheme. 

This program helps eligible households install insulation in their homes, leading to reduced energy consumption, lower bills, and a warmer, more comfortable living environment.

First, let’s understand what insulation is and why it matters.

Imagine your home as a leaky bucket. Heat generated by your furnace escapes through gaps and poorly insulated walls, roof, and floors. Insulation acts like a sealant, plugging these leaks and keeping the precious warmth inside. It’s like wearing a cozy sweater for your house!

Professional installers handle the job, ensuring proper application and optimal results. Installation methods vary depending on the type of insulation and your home’s construction. Generally, it’s a minimally disruptive process with minimal mess or inconvenience.

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Loft Insulation

The most common type, filling the empty space between your ceiling and roof with materials like mineral wool or glass wool.

Cavity Wall Insulation

Injected into the gap between your outer and inner walls, ideal for homes built before the 1990s.

Solid Wall Insulation

Applied either internally or externally to solid walls, suitable for older homes without cavity walls.

Floor Insulation

Installed beneath floorboards or suspended floors, preventing heat loss from escaping downwards.

Benefits of the Free Insulation Scheme:

Participating in the scheme offers a multitude of benefits:


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About Free Insulation Scheme?

This program provides financial assistance for installing insulation in eligible homes. It aims to improve energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions, and combat fuel poverty.

The scheme primarily covers the cost of installing loft and cavity wall insulation. In some cases, additional insulation types, like floor insulation, may also be eligible for partial funding.

free insulation grants, free insulation scheme, free insulation, government grants for insulation

Eligibility criteria:

Several factors determine your eligibility for the Free Insulation Scheme:

Your Home’s Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating: Homes with an EPC rating of D or below are generally eligible. You can find your EPC rating online or through your local council.

Receipt of certain benefits: If you or someone in your household receives specific benefits like Universal Credit or Pension Credit, you may be eligible regardless of your EPC rating or council tax band.

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